AAAI-24 – The 38th International Conference on AI in Vancouver

GSB SYSTEMS > Blog > GSB Activities > AAAI-24 – The 38th International Conference on AI in Vancouver

🕘 Feb 20th to Feb 27, 2024 |📍 Vancouver Convention Centre

The AAAI Conference is an annual international forum on artificial intelligence (AI). It is a prestigious and significant event in the field of AI technology, attracting the world’s leading researchers, scientists, engineers, and research organizations to present the latest studies, showcase the most recent AI technologies, and serve as a venue for meetings, exchanging ideas, and fostering cooperation among individuals and organizations involved in AI or related fields.

This year, AAAI-24, marking the 38th iteration of the International Conference on AI, will take place at the Vancouver Convention Centre from February 20th to 27th, 2024. Detailed information about the event can be found on the conference website.

Our company, GSBC Solutions Ltd, operates GSB Systems, a technology platform for Green & Sustainable Building Management solutions, with AI being a fundamental component of our system’s core. With a development strategy focused on leading in the research and deployment of the most advanced technologies for Green Building Management, continuously updating with the latest advancements in AI is particularly crucial for our platform. The AAAI-24 conference is a pivotal event for us, not only because it is a unique annual opportunity to engage with and learn from world-leading AI researchers and developers, updating ourselves with the latest techniques, learning and applying new algorithms, and practicing the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) from AI technology developers to advance our system’s core.

The conference also represents a significant opportunity to introduce our project to AI developers, seeking partners and valuable collaboration opportunities. It is an essential occasion for us to finalize cooperation agreements with potential partners. At this AAAI-24 conference, we plan to discuss and sign development cooperation agreement frameworks with some AI technology partners. During the conference, we will also invite interested partners to visit the GSBC Laboratory, where we will conduct several demonstrations of GSB Systems’ core operations and discuss technical details further with engineers and researchers.

GSB Systems Platform

If you are interested in our project, please fill in your information in the form below or contact us, so we can extend an invitation for you to attend our workshops taking place during the conference.

Looking forward to meeting you at the conference.

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